Here is the same view after we glued the seam of the halves together. Note the plethora of clamps, straps, and plates to hold the keel seam together while the epoxy sets.
And here is the view from the deck side. If you look closely, you will note that I put the access port cut outs back in the holes, and closed off the ends with a couple old tyvek suits. There is a power cord running inside the float for a thermostat controlled heater. Hopefully the heater will keep the float warm enough the allow the epoxy to cure in a normal time although the boat house temperature is in the 40's and falling. I also built a heated box to cover the resin and hardener drums so they are more usable as temperatures drop.
In spite of our efforts to keep things warm for continued progress, we will likely move on to the beam construction for most of the winter. That way we can move our work space to a smaller heated space.
In case you think I forgot, here's a Big Tip #3 that I figured out while laminating the last float half:
The stiffening stringer has a trapezoidal profile, and on the previous four halves we kept the sharp corners and then fought with the glass to make the bend around the corners. This time, while sanding the foam in prep for glassing, I decided to round the corners on the stiffener. It took about two minutes to make a nice curved corner. And the payoff was the glass just conformed to the curves and I didn't have to babysit it for two hours while it cured. So the big tip is to soften outside corners when possible to allow easier laminating. Even light weight glass fabric needs a radius greater than zero to make a bend comfortably.