Sunday, October 17, 2010

Dude, Is that your boat?!

Behold the remains of a dear, departed friend.  This is what's left of the first hull half that I built.  We were preparing to bond it to the last half when I found some issues with the lamination on the stiffener.  After thinking it over for a night, reexamining the stiffener the next morning, talking to Dawna about the options, and considering the quality of our later versions relative to the first, we concluded the best solution was to scrap it and build yet another float half.  I also inspected the other three halves to confirm we didn't have a similar issue on the other hulls.  The other three are very well bonded.  If your keeping score, Dawna started helping (leading) me on the laminating work on the second half, so once again she proves to have superior talent when it comes to epoxy application.

Once we made the decision, out came the sawz-all and 15 minutes later the bulkheads were removed for reuse and the rest of the hulk was ready for the landfill.  It was not a pleasant experience, given the time and effort that went in to its construction.  But it was a learning experience, and we prefer to maintain a good level of quality in a boat that may take us miles from shore.  So back to the form frame (which now needs to be switched back to the previous orientation).

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