Sunday, September 21, 2014

Longitudinal webs

While working on the foam fillets for beam #2, I also continued work on the bulkheads in beam #1.  Here you can see the longitudinal bulkheads (or webs) that have been glued in place between two pairs of bulkheads.  I also glued a small longitudinal stiffener at the outer end (bottom of photo) that will help strengthen the attachment point between the beam and float.  (In case you are confused by this photo, beam #2 is still in the mold underneath beam #1.  It is convenient to set beam #1 on top of beam #2 while working on other tasks.)
Today I sanded the glue joints and then added putty fillets along the edges of the longitudinal webs.  In this photo you can see the nicely filleted web that will strengthen the bend in the beam.  Next I will glass over these webs in the same way I did for the bulkheads, and be one step closer to complete.


  1. Its good to see your still at it. I have noticed following other farrier builders that they have to remove material on the inside of the beams when they bolt on the mounting brackets for the lower folding struts. The fiberglass buildup close to the vertical wall gets in the way of the washer and nut on the inside when mounting that bracket. You might be able to allow for it at this stage in your beam building instead of having to chop out fiberglass later. It looks like you are doing a great job.

    1. Hi Nelson, Thanks for the comments. Still at, albeit very slowly. With regards to fitting the bolts later, I expect some tweaking will be needed, but it is somewhat difficult to predict at this point. The old Dremel tool will help when the time comes. I prefer to have a more uniform lamination to start, and cut out small bits later. Keep watching for updates.

    2. It's easy to sand a flat to the big washer to have it fit in the beam. The problem is more with the aluminium backing plates for the trampoline lashing, Like I had here:

